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The Vision and Mission of Meta Peace Team

  • Our Vision: 

A just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life.

  •  Our Mission: 

Building a just and sustainable world through active nonviolence.

What We Do Best:

MPT's 4 Pillars

  • Educating the public to the efficacy, vision, power, and practice of active nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention

  • Providing Training in active nonviolence and violence de-escalation skills, designed for the specific needs of the participants

  • Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams - both domestically and internationally - where invited

  • Networking, cooperating, supporting, and participating with other peace and justice groups and organizations, particularly as it relates to our mission

Knowledge of violence, its structural roots, and the actions necessary to combat it are our first tools in moving towards peace.

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Training people in violence de-escalation skills, whether or not they ever want to join a peace team, is imperative to changing the collective mindset on violence reduction and creating healthy communities.

Strengthening communities through partnerships that create and place teams of trained peacemakers, both locally

and around the world.

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Meta Peace Team is committed to working collectively for a just world. We are part of a larger, growing, collaborative community of organizations and individuals working for peace and justice.

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