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Taking Land

Mary L. Hanna

24 Dec 2015/ Meta Peace Team, Scott/ Burin Colonial assault is visible in Burin. Since last year I can see 3 new houses expanding the "out posts" which are illegal (under Israeli law) expansions of illegal (under international law) colonial settlements. It is a process where a few radicals squat on land they do not own, build a house knowing that if they call the occupying army and say they are being threatened the army will arrest any Palestinian who dares to say it is their land.

on the hill in the middle of the picture you can see an outpost. The hill on the right has the highest house in Burin

A closer view of the house on the right. It is empty. The settlers came down and attacked it so much the family abandoned it.

In this picture you can see the last house going out the road of Burin. It too is empty, the settlers came down with torches and the family was afraid they would get burned up some time so the left their house.

The new houses on the hill impacted a friend of mine. She has olives high in the hill. This year when she went up there were new houses next to her olives. The soldiers would let here in for 2 days to pick olives, but she is not well and even if she was she could not pick all her olives in 2 days. Internationals who went up with her were forced by the occupying army to sit down by the gate into the olive orchard and watch. They were not even allowed to accompany while she worked. Mean while the woman and children from the new illegal houses yelled "bad things" at her.

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