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  • Mary L. Hanna

Ishmael: Book Review

Ishmael: Book Review By Craig Wing


Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael is a novel imbued with a powerful sense of social urgency. This utterly unique piece of literature tells the story of a disillusioned man who answers a cryptic newspaper ad in the personal section that exclaims, “TEACHER seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person.” Little does the man know that his teacher is a telepathic gorilla named Ishmael.

Ishmael engages his pupil in Socratic dialogue, chalked full of astonishing insights regarding the destructive nature of mankind’s modern civilization. The topic of discussion is entirely engaging and thoroughly absorbing. The reader is taken on a critical examination and journey into the very infancy of civilization and back. Over-all, I highly recommend this wonderful novel.

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